FAQ on Private Limited Company Registration


FAQ on Private Limited Company Registration

What is the duration required to establish a private limited company in India?

The registration process for a Private Limited Company in India typically takes 7-12 days to complete, and involves obtaining two approvals - Name Approval and Final Approval - from government bodies. It is important to note that the duration of this process may vary depending on the workload of the Central Registration Centre (CRC) under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).

Is my physical presence necessary during this process?

The process of company registration is entirely conducted online, thus, physical presence is not required. The necessary documents are filed electronically, and you would only need to send scanned copies of all the required forms and documents to us.

Who can be a member of a Private Limited Company?

Any individual or organization can become the member/shareholder of the private limited company including foreigners/NRI. However, such a person must be 18+ above in terms of age and should have a valid PAN card.

How many directors are required for the formation of a Private Limited Company?

There should be a minimum of 2 directors in Private Limited Company, out of which at least 1 director should be a permanent resident of India.

Does a private limited company have continuous existence?

As per the law, a private limited company has perpetual succession. Nonetheless, it is crucial to note that the company must fulfil the mandatory statutory annual compliances. In case of non-compliance Registrar of Companies (ROC) shall be bound to struck off the name of company.

Why is Private Limited Company called as a separate legal entity?

A private limited company is a legal entity and is established as distinct person under the Act. It is treated as a different person which can own a property and have debts or creditors. The members, directors, shareholders of a company have no liability to creditors of a company in case the company is unable to pay the debts.

Read more to know about FAQ on Private Limited Company Registration


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