Important Key points for Multi-class Trademark Application

Important Key Points for Multi-class Trademark Application


When a Trademark is registered, it legally safeguards the registered brand name from unauthorized usage. The registration of a trademark is determined by the kinds of goods and services offered. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry classifies all goods and services into 45 categories. 

To register a brand name under a trademark, it is necessary to know the appropriate trademark category. Additionally, a product may fall into more than one category. Filing separate applications for each category can be a lengthy procedure.

What is a Multi-Class Trademark Application?

In order to register a service mark or trademark across two or more product or service categories, a multi-class trademark application is used. This type of application enables the applicant to register their trademark in more than one category by filing a single federal trademark application.

The most obvious advantage is that the applicant can protect their product in several categories with just one application, instead of filing separate applications. Additionally, a single multi-class application is more efficient since the applicant can provide the necessary information in one go, saving time and effort.

Key points to be considered for multi-class trademark application

  • Filing an Application

It is important to note that the multi-class trademark application will be treated as a single application for all the classes that are applied for. This means that all the classes will be processed together, which can be beneficial for the applicant. 

For example, if a business offers a product that falls under several classes, it can register its trademark across all applicable classes at once. This saves time and effort and also provides more comprehensive protection for the trademark.

  • Fees for trademark applications
  • Process
  • Rejection / Objection
  • Use of Trademark


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