Procedure for International Trademark Registration

International Trademark Registration

What is International Trademark Registration?

An International Trademark refers to a trademark that has been registered worldwide. Such a trademark provides its owner with the advantage of expanding its market and applying for protection in various countries by submitting a single application through the centralized system of the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Advantages of International Trademark Registration

  • A single application is required for multiple countries.
  • International recognition of your brand
  • The owner of a Registered Trademark has sole ownership of the trademark.
  • Trademark registration creates an intangible asset, namely intellectual property, for the organization.
  • No third party or competitor may use a registered trademark logo or mark.
  • Once a trademark is registered, only maintenance and renewal fees, payable every ten years, need to be paid.

How to register a Trademark internationally

To register your trademark internationally, you can either use the Madrid Protocol or engage a local attorney in each country where you seek protection and have them file the application on your behalf.

The Madrid System

The Madrid Protocol also referred to as the Madrid system, is regarded as the top solution for international trademark registration. It involves the centralized registration and management of global trademarks by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Utilizing the Madrid system is not only convenient but also a cost-effective approach to registering and managing trademarks worldwide.

How to apply using the Madrid system

By submitting a single application through the Madrid Online Services site in any language, one can pay only one set of fees for multiple territories.

Step 1. Application

The first step is to file a Basic Application/Registration (Basic Mark) before submitting an international application for the trademark through the office of origin. The applicant must check the box for each country where the rights are reserved, and the application must be submitted from their home country.


 Read more to know about International Trademark Registration


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